Lake Elsinore Obituary

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Martha (Sanburn) Lawrence (aka Laurence)



Mrs. Martha S. Lawrence died Sunday evening, May 2nd, at the home of Mrs. Elizabeth Bonds of Chestnut Street, after an illness of many months.


A week before her death she was stricken with paralysis.


She was born in 1843 and had resided in California for many years.


Pasadena having been her first home in the state.


Some twenty years ago she came to Elsinore, where, with a sister, Mrs. Sophia Farey, she resided for many years.


She was at one time owner of the Elsinore Sanitarium property and it was there that her sister died.


Later Mrs. Lawrence went to Berkeley, where she resided for several years with her niece, Miss Mary E. Farey, and other relatives.


Her health failing, she returned to Elsinore some five years ago, and much of this time has been ill at the home of Mrs. Bonds.


She is survived by her niece, Miss Farey, a nephew, Will Farey, whose wife, nee Miss Grace Cobb, was a well known Elsinore girl, and by other more distant relatives.


Funeral services were held yesterday afternoon at 2:30 P.M. at the Everett Chapel, Rev. Ray C. Smith officiating.


Interment was made in the local cemetery by the side of her sister.


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